The no deposit offers do require you to add a bank card, then after that, the bonus spins are just a few clicks away. Although there are not any bonuses that have this exact title name, there are still some no deposit offers in the industry that act exactly the same and are the same bonus just with a different name. It is essentially a no deposit bonus, as you are not depositing any funds, you are simply just adding your bank card to your account. 50 free spins when you add your bank card, used to be a very popular welcome bonus that many online casino sites used to offer.
This is a bonus that has become less available in the market, however there are still some 50 free spins bonuses available, you can find them here. 50 Free Spins When You Add Card One of the easiest bonuses you can claim at an online casino is 50 free spins, from simply adding your bank card.